Beware, a new cute and cuddly creature has arrived! don't get too close, they bite!
Droseras are my original open species, they can be of any color! the only thing that is truely "cannon" is that all droseras are carnivores only, no drosera is a omnivore or herbavore. some may eat bugs from time to time, only if there's no meat around.
They tend to hunt in packs. usually the smallest is sent out to be the lure, catch their prey's attention and then captivate them with their cute looks. Once the prey is fully distracted the rest of the pack ravage the poor soul that decided to step closer. they tend to hunt things larger than themselves, the larger the prey the larger the pack that's needed to take them down. IF you manage to get close enough without getting mauled to death, you may pat their head to hear them Purr!!~~
This model is quest compatible! quest prefab included in the files/ scene.
The model is rather simplistic, but it has 6 different expressions, two body toggles for feminine and chubby look! along side removing its claws if you dont feel like having such murder mittens out!
Everything is sculpted and made by me except for the hands, those are mariVR's Commercial Paws!
Model Specs!
Materials: 5
tris: 35,919
Bone Count: 102
You MAY:
- Use for any personal project!
- Make public/ clonable versions!
- Edit to your hearts content!
- sell edits! as long as anyone being handed said files owns these original files!
- make and sell assets meant to be used with the model!
- take parts of this model and put them on a different model, for as long as its only for private use!
- take commissions! as long as both parties own these files
- Use commercially, even if all the files are altered.
- claim as your own, or the maker of the species or the model
- make ANY NSFW edits or material with the model, as they where modeled to look childish and innocent by nature.
- use them to make any homophobic, racist, ect stuff.
Update log
- 8/31/2023 Drosera released
- 9/1/2023 Updated unity package with fixed audio for the purr + fixed the expressions not working properly with the left hand. Thank you Neosy for your help!
Premade textures, FBX, Blender, Unity package, Substance painter file.
39.8 MB
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